Come for the whales, soak in the rest.
The Pacific Northwest is internationally recognized as one of the premiere whale watching destinations in the world. At Island Adventures, we provide our guests with the best year-round opportunity to see whales in the wild, but that’s just the beginning. Our goal is to share as much local wildlife, scenery, and history as possible on each and every tour.

The calm waters of the Pacific Northwest offer some of the best whale watching in the world.
Our tours explore some of the richest whale habitat on the planet. Orca, humpback, minke, and gray whale sightings are possible at any time of year, but at Island Adventures we pride ourselves on offering more than just unforgettable whale sightings. Whether it’s finding a hidden eagle’s nest, quietly drifting past a harbor seal haul-out, or taking a detour to photograph a historic lighthouse, our experienced captains and crew will put you in prime position to enjoy all the region has to offer.
Learn more about the area's wildlife and scenery.
The waters of the Salish Sea offer some of the most diverse whale and wildlife viewing on the west coast. Onboard each of our tours, an experienced naturalist helps identify all of the whales, wildlife, and rich history that this area holds.
Killer Whales
Icons of the Pacific Northwest
Killer whales, also known as orcas, are one of the most recognizable and beloved marine species on the planet. They hold a special cultural significance in the Pacific Northwest and we are fortunate to share our local waters with more than one type of killer whale.
Humpback Whales
Humpback whales have one of the longest migrations of any whale, feeding in cooler waters and giving birth to their calves in warmer climates. While humpback sightings in the Strait of Juan de Fuca were once a rare event, the "Humpback Comeback" of the last decade has allowed for numerous sightings of humpback whales throughout much of the year.
Minke Whales
Often when a bait ball forms, a minke whale isn’t too far away! Sometimes we see them lunge feed right through the middle, taking in all the bait fish and an occasional sea bird! Minke whales are among the most abundant and widely-distributed whales in the world, yet they remain largely a mystery due to their shy nature and fast speeds!
Gray Whales
Gray whales currently hold the record for the longest migration of any mammal. They are commonly seen from March through May around the south end of Whidbey Island and the Saratoga Passage area, but can sometimes be spotted in the Salish Sea in the summer months. Puget Sound is one of the few places on earth where people can actually witness gray whales feeding.
Pacific Northwest Wildlife
The waters the San Juan Islands offers some of the most diverse whale and wildlife viewing on the west coast. Onboard each of our tours, an experienced naturalist helps identify all of the whales, wildlife, and rich history that this area holds.
World-Class Scenery
Each year, the picturesque Pacific Northwest attracts tens of thousands of visitors from around the globe. From the snow-capped mountains to the San Juan Islands, western Washington offers scenery to suit all tastes. There’s simply no better backdrop for watching wildlife.
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Whale Report
See what we've seen on the water. There's a detailed account from every tour since 2003!